Thursday, October 31, 2019

Expatriate Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Expatriate Management - Essay Example Strong human resources management practices come in handy especially in the international context whereby managers are engaged in foreign assignments. They need to be trained to ensure that they are effective in accomplishing the duties assigned to them. Nevertheless, training of expatriate managers is faced with various challenges. This paper presents a critique of challenges such as identifying the time to train, type and level of training, parties to be involved in training as well as the expatriates’ capabilities to relate with the foreign culture. There are also challenges related to the learning capabilities, interest and willingness of the expatriates to undertake the training. Determining the appropriate time to train presents a major challenge as trainers try to evaluate the training needs of expatriates. They can either be trained before leaving their home organization or immediately after travelling to the foreign country (Bird and Osland, 2005). Both strategies are significant in equipping the manager with the desired knowledge to cope with the new environment, but choosing one of them rather than undertaking the two may be effective in saving time and resources. Planners are faced with a dilemma of determining which strategy would be more appropriate. For example, training before the managers leave the organization instills them with a sense of purpose for their mission. They are capable of imagining the organization’s situation after they successfully complete their mission. Yan et al. (2002) observe that training expatriates before they leave their home country motivates them to work towards accomplishment of the organizational goals to impr ove the situation at hand. When they are trained in the foreign country, they are fascinated by the new environment; either due to its magnificence or otherwise lower standards. The new environment may influence learning and therefore the training might not accomplish the organizational objectives (Chew,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Teenage and Fashion Essay Example for Free

Teenage and Fashion Essay Statement: For teenagers, fashion is first and foremost a social statement. It is an outward means of expression to their peers and the rest of the world. Identity: Fashion also provides teenagers a sense of identity by signaling which grouping they belong to (prep, punk, goth, etc. ). It may also signal a more independent or inclusive personality. Attraction: Teens can be extremely conscious about overall image when it comes to sexual attraction. They will often exploit fashion as a means to attract a certain type of person. Rebellion: Rebellion may also be acted out via fashion. Since rebellion is often a huge aspect of a teenagers life, it is not shocking that teens often use licentious or shocking fashion to rebel against their parents, their classmates, and/or society. Peer Pressure: Many teens pick up on fashion trends in an effort to stave off humiliation and mocking from peers. Poor fashion choices in the eyes of others can often be an open door to ridicule. Celebrities: Often, fashion for teenagers is the result of the desire to be like a celebrity. Celebrities are perhaps the greatest influences on teenagers in the modern world, and they can have a huge impact on a teens ideas about fashion and its importance. In our society, there are many issues that affect teens. Fashion is something that teens use to fit in which makes them struggle in their everyday life. Teens find brands to be something that will make them look â€Å"classy† as many teens say today at school. Teisha-Vonique Hood from SMU stated that when people associate themselves with a particular brand or branded image, they immediately assume a new identity that is in some sense, confined to the societal points of that brand. They classify themselves through the brands they wear and it makes them feel like they fit in. There is always that new shirt or those new jeans or just some new trend that happens to begin. Teens may feel like if they don’t have the latest brands, they aren’t worthy or not able to fit in and be themselves. Also, teens find themselves to be a little under-confident or intimidated by other people in their school. Ehow contributor, Ashton Pittman said that many teens pick up on fashion trends in an effort to stave off humiliation and mocking from peers. The majority of teens in high school have a fear of getting bullied or excluded. They use fashion to hide their fear and to feel more confident on who they are, or who they are trying to be. Their attitude towards fashion and the way society shows it to be can change a lot of teens’ opinions. Stated in SMU study, as a result of this need for peer acceptance, teenagers are receptive to characteristics such as character, personality, etc. Since a lot of teens try to find their identity through high school and fashion, it can ultimately change not only their personality, but their character towards other people and family. Tying into this, celebrities are a big impact on teen fashion. Ashton Pittman also states that often, fashion for teenagers is the result of the desire to be like a celebrity. Teens look at celebrities and say â€Å"Oh well if they can wear that, then why can’t I† and most of the time they end up giving the wrong idea to their friends and people around them. Have you ever tried to dress some way so that others accept you? A lot of teens don’t realize that this is an issue on their everyday life because they are so caught up with trying to fit in. Just because other teens have the latest brand and you don’t, doesn’t mean that you aren’t unique.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Widening Scope Of Information Systems Information Technology Essay

The Widening Scope Of Information Systems Information Technology Essay In this literature review work has been carried out in my chosen field by concerning different books, electronic journals and other web resources to conduct this literature review. Introduction to Information Technology The term information technology is widely used to describe an industry; in reality by information technology I mean the use of different hardware and software for protecting, assembling, utilizing and controlling information. The use of computers and different software for information management is also refers as MIS, management information system or just information system in different companies. Large companys MIS are responsible to carry out following activities:- Storing information Protecting information Processing the information Transmitting the information as necessary Retrieving information as necessary To accomplish its complex task Information technology department is required to utilize computers, computers, servers, database management systems, and cryptography. The modern IT department would be comprised of several System Administrators, Database Administrators and at least one Information Technology Manager. Normally the whole team is suppose to report to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). Source : MSc Information Systems Computing. Latest Theory Meets Latest Technology. The widening scope of information systems According to Lauden Laudon,( 2004) The widening scope of information system is the new relationship between organization and information system, there is a growing interdependence between business strategy, rules and procedures, on one hand and information system software, hardware, database and telecommunications on another. A change in any of these components often requires change in other component. These relationships become critical when management plan for future. What a business would like to do five years often depends on what its systems will be able to do. Increasing market share becoming high-quality or low -cost procedure, developing new procedures and increasing employee productivity depends more on the kinds and quality of information systems in the organization. A second change in relationship between information system and organization results from the growing reach and scope of system projects and application. Building and managing system today involves a much larger part of the organization than it did in the past .as the firm become more like digital firms the system enterprise extends to customer, vendors and even industry competitors. where early systems produced largely technical changes that effected only a few people in the firm .contemporary systems have been bringing about managerial changes (who has what information about whom when, and how often)and institutional core changes (what product and services are produces ,under what conditions ,and by whom)as companies move towards digital firm organization ,nearly all the firms managers and employees as Ill as customers and vendors-participates in a variety of firm systems tied together by a digital information web. for instance ,what a customer does on a firms web site can trigger a n employee to make an on the spot pricing decision or alert a firms suppliers of potential stock out situations. Approaches of Technology Lauden Laudon,( 2004) has presented two approaches to describe IT systems ;- Technological approach: the technological approach to information system emphasizes mathematically, based models to study information system, as Ill as the physical technology and formal capabilities of these systems. The disciplines that contribute to the technical approach are computer science, management science and operations research. Computer science is concerned with establishing theories of computability, methods of efficient data storage and access .management science emphasizes the development of models for decisions making and management practice. Operations research focuses .on mathematical techniques for optimizing selected parameters of organization such as transportation, inventory control and transaction cost. Behavioral approach: an important part of the information systems field is concerned with behavioral issues that arise in the development and long term maintains of information systems. Issues such as strategic business integration, design, implementation, utilization and management cannot be explored usefully with the method used in the technical approach .other behavioral disciplines contribute important concepts and method. I-E sociologist study information system with eye towards how groups and organization shape the development of system and also how system affects the individuals groups and organizations. Psychological study information systems with an interest in how humans decision maker perceive and use formal information. Economist study information system with an interest I what impact system have on control and cost structures within the firm and within markets. (Lauden Laudon) The behavioral approach does not ignore technology .indeed information system technology is often the stimulus for a behavioral problem or issue .but the focus of this approach is generally not on technical solution .instead in concentrates on change in attitude ,management and organization policy and behavior . IT Production Global market Information technology is software producing sector, hence it possess greater potential for brightening up the economy of any country. It is evident fact that IT has a unique cost structure, I all are aware of the fact that producing information is an expensive act but reproducing information in extremely inexpensive. This leads towards attaining extraordinary economies of scale and increasing returns to investment. Tremendous export opportunity exists in world global market for this labor intensive industrys products. This industry has rapidly found a place in global market and progressively increasing its share. From 1997 the information technology has expanded its market has significantly. International penetration of software exports is expected to increase by 200 percent over the coming few years. Offshore tailored applications and packaged applications to the United States and Europe will be influential factors that supported and lead this growth, USs market place possess more than half of the consulting chances. Due to soft nature of domestic markets, several IT firms seek to get place in international market. Presently in the Middle East, most IT spending goes to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (about 60-70%). Somewhere between $ 100-200 million is also spent by GCC countries alone a year on ERP. Moreover, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions have become an important and critical success factor in this business CRM applications are expected to witness a sharp rise in the next few years, especially among banking, telecomm, and utilities sectors (American Chamber 2000). There exist a large room for capitalist and opportunist to take considerable advantage of current situation. It is also counted among very important industries in the Indian economy. The IT industry of India has registered huge growth in recent years. Indias IT industry grew from 150 million US Dollars in 1990-1991 to a whopping 50 billion UD Dollars in 2006-2007. In the last ten years the Information Technology industry in India has grown at an average annual rate of 30%. Source : Nagla Rizk , 2001, Information Technology and Growth publication of The American University in Cairo: web source:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Electricity Policy Reform and Responsible Government in India Essay exa

With many different religious, ethnic, and social groups, the Republic of India is a unique and diverse state. Since gaining independence, India has faced a challenge of encouraging the variegated people within its borders to embrace and celebrate a common Indian identity even while nurturing their distinct cultures and traditions. This diversity is reflected throughout social and political challenges in Indian society. Although the different federal states are given a certain amount of leeway to accommodate for the population’s heterogeneity, the central government maintain a great amount of power for purpose of holding the nation together. As India has developed, one of its focuses has been the energy sector and increasing Indian citizens’ access to electricity. The government has historically carried a large influence over India’s vital electricity sector,. Electricity is a concurrent subject under the Cons titution, falling under the purview of both the central government and the states. Whether by influencing the electricity sector through private companies collaborating with the central government or acting directly through state-owned companies and bureaucracies, India has maintained a large degree of centralized control over the electricity sector. Since passing the Energy Conservation Act of 2001, the government has pursued a national policy of increasing Indian electricity independence and access. In order to meet these goals, India has used state-owned enterprises and bureaucratic institutions to maintain direct control over the sector. However, the Electricity Act of 2003 reformed India’s electricity policy, allowing for more electricity sector privatization and fewe..., Shailesh. "UP Farmers Continue Protest over Land Acquisition by Reliance." Down To Earth. N.p., 15 Feb. 2007. Web. 11 May 2014. "Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill.", 01 January 2014. Web. 11 May 2014. Mona Sur and Dina Umali-Deininger, â€Å"Public Expenditures and Subsidies in Indian Surface Irrigation: Who Benefits,† paper presented at Water Week 2003, conference organized by World Bank, Washington, DC, 4-6 March 2003. Web. May 15, 2014. Tongia, Rahul. â€Å"The Political Economy of Indian Power Sector Reforms,† pp. 109-174 in: D.G. Victor and T.C. Heller, (eds.) 2007, Reforming Electric Power Markets in Developing Countries: Politics, Law and Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. March 2007. Web. 11 May 2014. United Nations. â€Å"Population and Vital Statistics Report.† January 1, 2013. Web. May 15, 2014.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing and Brand Equity Essay

The AsiaTravel is facing the following problems regarding its brand value to customers: * Its brand name is merely the generic version of its services, therefore price is seen as its main competitive advantage in the travel market; * Associations of the brand have not been clearly defined and conveyed to customers, therefore their perception about its brand name is not sufficiently strong for them to recognize and recall this brand among other alternatives; * Information on past experiences customers have acquired from the use of the company’s services have not been adequately collected and assessed. This makes difficult for to identify the benefits and value its brand has already been shaped in customers’ mind. * Although the company’s name reflects quite obvious the market segmentation on which it is focusing i.e. Asia as a whole, specific target markets and sub-segments have not been identified. * The company has not adequately identified and evaluated its competitors. As a consequence, their knowledge about its competitors, its points of parity and points of difference is limited. Therefore, its brand positioning is not so strong even though the company has great intrinsic potentials in bringing its brand to be favourable and unique in the travel market. * The company has not adequately invested in developing tools to conduct market surveys; to develop effective marketing strategies, appropriate marketing programs and proper marketing communication to build its brand equity. 1. Costumer-based brand equity Keller (2003) defined customer-based brand equity as â€Å"the differential effect that brand knowledge has on customer response to the marketing of that brand†. When customers respond more positively to a product/service and the way it is marketed when its brand is recognized than when it is not then this brand is said to have a positive CBBE. On the contrary, if consumers react less favourably to marketing activity for the brand compared with an unnamed or deceptively named version of the product/service then this brand is said to have negative CBBE . Brand knowledge consists of two key components: brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness is related to the strength of the brand presence in the consumer. mind. Acceding to Keller (2003), brand awareness can be built by increasing the familiarity of the brand via repeated exposure (for brand recognition) and strong associations with the category of product/service and other relevant purchase or consumption cues (brand recall). High service quality, reasonable prices, safety, diversity, flexibility are relevant associations for Asia to take into account for the improvement of their brand awareness. Brand image defined as the customer’s perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product/service with regards to its intended purpose, relative to alternatives (Krishnakumar, 2009). To know perceived quality, it is very useful for marketers to identify and measure the main aspect that includes the characteristics of the product/service to which the brand is attached. Quality is the vital strength of the brand especially in the field of travel services. This is a very relevant association that should develop as a crucial component of their marketing programs to build brand equity without changing their name and logo. Furthermore, apart from quality, it is essential for marketers to create strong, favourable and exceptional brand associations in order to build positive CBBE. The next strongest brand attitude and benefit associations are built from word-of –mouth (friends/family) and/or non-commercial information.. As a result, marketers of should identify the impact of those different sources of information by managing and adequately accounting for them in the process of designing communication strategies to build its brand equity. 2. Brand positioning Keller (2003) defined brand positioning is â€Å"identifying the optimal location of a brand in the minds of a group of consumers or market segment so that they think about the products/services offered by this brand in the right or desired way thus maximizing potential benefits to the firm†. Target market. It is important to identify the consumer target since different consumers may have different brand knowledge structures thus having different perception and preferences about this brand. Market segment comprises of cluster of individuals with similar needs and consumer behaviour. It is essential for to refer to this marketing segmentation scheme in order to design marketing programs that can attract one or more appropriate segments. Identification of main competitors It is necessary to know the competition before the company starts positioning itself. This includes players who offer the same product/service among a larger portfolio of solutions. SWOT analysis could be a good start for to do the exercise of identifying its main competitors. Point of similarity and point of difference PoDs could be defined as the way consumers think for a given brand. Those are what make the brand be prominent from competition In the case of the most visible association of this kind is their â€Å"3 in 1† product. This difference can be achieved more convincingly by better quality, better consumer service, predictable comfort and amusement, absolute safety, competitive prices and flexibility (wide range of choices suited to customers’ needs). PoPs can be classified into two types: category and competitive. Category PoPs is important if the brand is looking for an extension into a new category. Competitive PoPs are the brand associations that are designed to be the competitors’ PoDs in order to negate their PoDs (Keller, 2003). Positioning mapping is an effective instrument for to identify its PoDs and PoPs in order to determine proper position of its brand in its defined market segments In general, brand positioning is an extremely crucial but highly difficult step in establishing CBBE. To achieve good brand positioning, needs to seriously look at target market, knowing competitors, PoDs and PoPs in their strategic re-branding process. References David Aaker (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing On The Value of Brand Name, The Free Press, NY. Kevin L. Keller (2003). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measure,And Managing Brand Equity, 2nd ed. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Krishnakumar K. (2009). Customer-Based Brand Equity – A Pragmatic Approach from on 01/09/2012). on 31/08/2012). (accessed on 31/08/2012). (accessed on 31/08/2012). (accessed on 31/08/2012). (accessed on 31/08/2012). (accessed on 01/09/2012). (accessed on 01/09/2012). (accessed on 01/09/2012). (accessed on 01/09/2012).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Liberal Government 1905-1914 Essay

The Liberal welfare reforms of 1906-1914 saw a remarkable change in government policy from a largely laissez-faire (a policy of non-intervention) approach to a more interventionist approach. The Liberal government, led by Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman would do more in the way of social reform than any government before it, establishing an obligation to help the more vulnerable members of society who were not in a position to help themselves. Two social surveys were published at the beginning of the twentieth century which shook the people of Britain. They undoubtedly paved the way for a whole range of government led reforms. Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree, two very wealthy businessmen helped sponsor investigations in to the causes of poverty in Britain. Their findings were; up to 30% of the population of the cities were living in or below the poverty levels, conditions were so bad that people could not pull themselves out of poverty by their own actions. Both Rowntree and Booth agreed that the main causes of poverty were – illness, unemployment and age (the very young and very old) In 1908 Herbert Henry Asquith took over the Liberals and soon the wheels were set in motion in regards to the social reforms. Asquith would later promote two significant figures whose partnership was said to be the strength behind the reforms – Winston Churchill the young man in a hurry and David Lloyd George the Welsh wizard. There were many factors and motives for the reforms being passed, such as: National Security Concerns – During the war, one in three potential army recruits were refused on medical grounds. The government would have to do something to ensure basic health levels among working class men. Concerns Over National Efficiency – Britain’s position of being a world power was under threat from emerging powers such as Germany. In order to maintain its position it had to run smoothly with a strong, well educated work force. New Liberalism – The new liberals, Herbert Asquith, Winston Churchill and Lloyd George argued that in certain circumstances it was necessary to intervene in poor people’s lives to help with their social problems. Political Opportunism – The Liberals were scrutinised for their reforms as many historians thought their introduction was to gain a political advantage rather than helping the poor. The Liberals knew they had to gain support from the working class as they were competing with the newly-created Labour Party. Between 1906-1914 the Liberals focused on the following four groups in society – the old, the young, the sick and the unemployed. In 1908 old age pensions were introduced by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lloyd George. It gave a pension of five shillings per week (25 pence) to persons over the age of 70 whose income was less than  £21 a year. Smaller amounts were paid to people with a slightly higher income. People who earned more than  £31.50 a year received no pension, along with individuals who failed to work or who had been in prison. The Act was seen as a step in the right direction; however it did not address all problems. Money received barely paid for basic necessities, financial help was needed long before the elderly reached pension age. More importantly very few working class people reached 70 during this period (life expectancy was just 45) From 1906 the â€Å"Children’s Chapter† allowed local authorities to provide free school meals for poor children. However it wasn’t until 1914 that school meals were made compulsory. In 1907, medical inspections were introduced but it was not until 1912 that free medical treatment was made available that the situation could be better. The reforms included age restrictions being put in place to make it harder for children to buy cigarettes and alcohol. Finally in 1908 juvenile courts and borstals were set up to replace the sending of young offenders to prison. The Liberal government introduced the National Insurance Act in 1911. For the first time, health insurance was provided for those who paid into the scheme. An employee would pay 4p each week, his employer paid 3p and the remaining 2p came from the state. However the workers wife and children did not benefit from the scheme no matter how sick they became. Further restrictions were that employees would only be paid for a maximum of 26 weeks for being off due to ill health or injury. The second part of the National Insurance Act dealt with unemployment. Insured workers were given 35p a week for a maximum of 15 weeks in a year if they became unemployed. Again the act only provided insurance for the employee and not his family. It was meant only for covering temporary unemployment and only applied to a small number of trades. The findings tell us that the Liberals made a remarkable change from a laissez-faire approach to a more interventionist approach. However the reform only made a small indentation into resolving the problems of poverty which faced the people of Britain in 1905-1914. The old age pension scheme paid out inadequate funds that barely paid for basic necessities, very few people ever reached the age of 70. Unemployment benefits were only provided to workers for short periods of time and did not include their family. Free school meals and medical inspections were introduced but very few local authorities were able to provide. Yes the government were willing to intervene to help the poor but the poor had to help themselves also. â€Å"If we see a drowning man we do not drag him to the shore. Instead, we provide help to allow him to swim ashore† – Winston Churchill

How to Write a Research Paper on Abortion

How to Write a Research Paper on Abortion Research Paper on Abortion How to start a research paper Tips on how to start Example of an outline Example of a thesis statement for an abortion research paper Example of introduction to abortion research paper How to write body paragraphs of a research paper on abortion Tips on body writing Example of the 1st body paragraph Example of the 2nd body paragraph Example of the 3rd body paragraph How to finish a research paper on abortion Tips on conclusion writing Example of a conclusion Tips on research paper revision How to start a research paper on abortion Abortion is one ethical issue that falls under the category of ethical issues that are very much problematic to resolve because it coincides with different cultural and religious implications. The discourse on abortion reaches many levels and branches and it is broad in nature. Writing a research paper on abortion requires a recognition of different perspectives in order to build a multifaceted discourse that would be well understood by different kinds of readers. Tips on how to start In starting a research paper on abortion, first, determine on what specific topic about abortion you would want to research on. This may be based on your interest or from reading various literature on abortion. What of these information that you know and you have read about sparks your interest? Interest is however not enough. A topic needs to be researchable. One cannot actually choose any topic on abortion without examining if it is a good one to research on. When we say a researchable topic, this means that your research questions may be answered by your research. Or that it should be able to be answered within the timeframe of your research. After you have chosen a topic, you may start coming up with an outline of your research. Example of an outline An example outline for your research paper may be the following: Introduction A. Subject matter B. Statement of the problem C. History of the problem Body Section 1 A. Extent of the problem B. Related literature (Examples, stories, facts) Section 2 A. Cause and Effect B. Repercussions in contemporary times Section 3 A. Possible solutions Conclusion A. Relate back to intro B. Restate thesis Example of a good thesis statement for abortion research paper A thesis or hypothesis is the researcher’s perception on the result of the study. This is based on the knowledge, observations or other study results. Examples may be: The reason why women resort to abortion is mostly because they are not prepared for the pregnancy. Most of the people resorting to abortion are teenagers. Most women who go on abortion do the act by themselves. The most common method used by women in abortion is by taking abortifacients. Example of an introduction to an abortion research paper Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before it is viable, usually before the pregnancy is before its 25th week. There are two types of abortion, spontaneous and induced. Spontaneous abortion is one which occurs naturally due to some complications during pregnancy or due to trauma occurring to the mother or the fetus. An induced abortion is one which was done intentionally. More and more teenagers opt to undergo induced abortion in the US. Trends in the number of abortions by females aged 13 to 18 show a significant increase from 2015 to 2016 ( this should be supported by statistical data from reliable source/s). To be able to know why teenagers resort to this practice, the study has the following specific questions: Determine the circumstances that lead to the pregnancy. Determine the reasons why the respondents opted to terminate their pregnancy. Identify the methodology they used to terminate their pregnancy. How to write body paragraphs for a research paper on abortion The body of the paper covers the methodology and the results from the data gathering. Paragraphs on the methodology part may be subdivided into: methodology to be used; how to do data gathering using the methodology; the number of respondents needed in the study and a description of the respondents; and how long the data gathering will be done. For the results and discussion, the paragraphs may contain a little introduction on the general findings and then each paragraph will contain the answer to each question asked in the interview or survey and the results of the survey or interview. This is followed by an interpretation of the data gathered. Tips on body writing Determine the number of respondents that you need. Take only a few sample from the total number of possible respondents. A good number will help you get a good data and also save you time. Research on good methodologies to be used that matches the type of research you are using. Some questions are answered by surveys, some by interviews and some by observations. Provide statistical data as well as observations on your presentation of data. If some of the respondents have stated something you know is good to include on the paper, then include it on the paper. Be truthful with what you will write on the results even if it is different from what you have expected. You shouldn’t also plagiarize and provide proper citations if you need to support your findings with other researches from other authors. This is one of the ethics of research writing. If you used many different methods and you have a lot of data, divide these per theme and then present it per theme to make your data presentation organized. Example of the 1st body paragraph For the first body paragraph on the presentation of data one may write the following: There are various circumstances that lead to the pregnancy of the respondents, most answers were because of curiosity. However, some of the respondents got pregnant because of rape. In a nutshell, there is a number of other reasons among the most widespread. Example of the 2nd body paragraph There are various reasons that made the respondents opt to have their pregnancy terminated. Most of the answers are due to reasons that they are not yet ready for the pregnancy. Based on national statistics from a research done by (mention author and year), most females aged 13-17 terminate their pregnancy also due to the same reason. †¨ Example of the 3rd body paragraph The methodologies used by the respondents to terminate their pregnancy were the use of abortifacients by their own, going to a licensed medical practitioner, going to an unlicensed abortionist and doing it on their own by the help of a friend or partner. Most of them opted for the use of abortifacients. Most of them said that it is easy to buy such medicine online. Some respondents also sought medical help and a few respondents did the termination by themselves. How to finish a research paper on abortion To finish a research paper, write a concluding paragraph. This summarizes the findings, also still answering the research questions. Tips on conclusion writing In writing a conclusion, a writer may write one paragraph that summarizes all the findings. Make sure that the main answer to each research question should be stated in the conclusion. A student may write one or two sentence/s to provide an answer to each of the research question. Example of a conclusion From data gathered on the research paper, the main reason that leads to the pregnancy among teenage females in the US is because of curiosity. The main reason, on the other hand of terminating the pregnancy, is because they are not yet ready to face parental responsibilities. Thus, there should be a huge work done to inform teenage females about all negative impacts of interrupting pregnancy so to ensure that abortion was a well-thought-out decision. Tips on research paper revision Revising a research paper will be less taxing than starting one. The following should be taken note of. Take note on the revisions suggested by the editor or adviser and do those revisions first. Do revisions per section or per chapter so it will be easier. Read more on additional sources that might be helpful for revisions. Check your grammar as well when doing the revisions. Read the write-up thoroughly after the revision to check if the flow is still well even after adding up more information. It is also helpful to ask somebody to read your paper to check if it is understood by the reader and also to help proofread the paper.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ecstasy research paper essays

Ecstasy research paper essays Your skin is tingling, raised flesh rejoicing in the warm, kind caresses of everyone around you. As music booms and lights flash you feel an overwhelming sense of well being. You feel intimately connected to everyone around you, and your inhibitions float away on clouds of physical bliss. Thats what many people say they feel like when they are on the drug, ecstasy. An impromptu study conducted in ISU classrooms and on the quad showed that out of 153 students questioned voluntarily, 20 reported trying ecstasy, 17 of whom tried it in the last year. Many people have heard of the drug, but very few know what it really is. Ecstasys real name is MDMA, which stands for methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine (Keane, 1996). It is a "designer drug," which means a man made drug designed to replicate the effects of natural drugs. It is primarily a seritonergic drug or also referred to as a "brain drug." It was prescribed up to 1984 until the Drug Enforcement Administration listed ecstasy as a Schedule One controlled substance, which includes drugs like heroin, LSD, and cocaine. It was taken off the market because experiments showed that ecstasy destroys brain cells. Some ecstasy pills are actually sold containing cocaine and heroin. Some physical effects of ecstasy include dryness of mouth, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, nystagmus (eye wiggles), sweating, or nausea (Maker, 1999). If one overdoses on ecstasy the heart-pounds at a dangerous rate. It also causes sweating, restlessness, dizziness, and the immune system is burning all its capabilities to fight off the drug, and the body would be on the verge of a panic attack. One psychological effect of ecstasy is entactogenisis (touching within). It is a feeling that makes one happy or at peace. It also makes everyday things abnormally beautiful or interesting. The second psychological effect is empathogenisis. This is why ecstasy is sometimes referred t ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day Lighting Study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Day Lighting - Case Study Example In the figure, it is clearly visible that the sunlight reflecting directly on the floor at the base of the glass doors is brighter as compared to that pouring through the windows because of the filter. Moreover, the location of windows has been chosen very carefully so as to ensure that people sitting on the chairs get the light rather than the ones passing through the corridor. So the design selected to use the light is successful as it fulfills the purpose of its in-pour. Fig. 3 shows another room of the same building in which there is no in-pour of sunlight and the source of light is basically the reflection of sunrays from the floor of the terrace into the room. Here, the room has been purposefully designed in such a way that there is no direct in-pour of light and yet there is sufficient illumination in the room. In Fig. 4, the filtering windows have been placed atop the room to reduce the intensity of light without reducing the illumination. This is a successful use of light as the design ensures that the occupants of the building receive just the amount of light that is sufficient for them. Without the filter-glass on the top, space would be capturing direct sunlight that would be even more intensified after diffusing from the white floor. In Fig. 5, the room has been oriented in such a way that the window captures the brightness of the sunlight outside without increasing the glare inside the room. A very important purpose that this design serves is that it creates no significant shadows of the furniture placed in the room which enhances the visual appeal of the room. Since it is a room with a limited space, a heavy in-pour of sunlight would have been irritating for the inhabitants. In Fig. 6, the benefit of daylighting is shown as it provides the occupants of the building with a direct link to the evolving outdoor illumination patterns, thus creating productive and visually stimulating environment along with reducing the energy costs of the entire build ing. However, the architectural design shown in Fig. 6 is not successful as it provides no point of entry to the sunlight into the room, which is why the room is dark. Ideally, the design should have been such that allowed the sunlight to enter till the threshold of the room to provide it with enough natural light.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Delegates to the 1897 National Convention Assignment

The Delegates to the 1897 National Convention - Assignment Example Mostly, it is suggested that the parliament is the supreme authority, while courts are considered as the institution that deal with the crimes and criminal (Patapan, 2006). In fact, it is wrong to consider only the courts as the institution to deal with the crimes and the criminals, Courts are the protector of state rights against any amendment in the constitution. Most of the part of the Australian constitution is taken influence with the American constitution. The delegates emphasized on the importance of the high courts, as the pillar in the nation building and protecting the rights of the people and the states. The statement is correct for modern scenario, as the problems regarding the state and government are rising and sometimes the parliament suggests amending the constitution. In this case, there is a need of any institution that prohibits the central government to violate the constitution. The most appropriate method is to assign this job to the high court. High court is the independent institution that has the right to evaluate, which type of the amendment in the constitution is necessary and which is not. Thus, it is important to have independent courts not under influence of any other institution. Depicting the condition of the parliament at that time, French (2011) quotes "†¦a vague feeling of distrust of the Constitution, as the work of a body somewhat conservative in composition, only indirectly representative of the people, and entrusted with no very definite or detailed mandate even by the parliaments which created it". As, the world’s politics is changing due to the influence of various aspects like the terrorism, trade, etc, the central government has the right to debate the bills, amend the constitution and work for the good of the people by passing the bills that are directly or indirectly related to the trade, economy and size of population. However, it is important that that the court verify any change in the constitution. Som etimes, the ruling party favors the certain amendments in the constitution that is mostly agreed and most of the members of the parliament cast votes in favor of the amendments to support the views of the party. French (2011) quotes the Lord Coleridge words as "one which it is for the public interest that individual should possess, and, indeed, that they should exercise without impediment, so long as no wrongful act is done". However, if there is a need of any amendment in the constitution, the parliament should have to debate the severity of the problem and submit reports to the high court for the consideration. The problem is severe in the modern world, as the elected parliament is unable to deliver the mandate. On the other hand, the parliament is sovereign to take steps to change or amend the constitution for the sake to profit a person, a group or a country (Craven, n.d.). Like, if the parliament passes a law that blacks are prohibited to marry a white girl and

Business analysis assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business analysis assignment - Essay Example as the social aspects of CSR strategy and how PPR can streamline its operations in order to operate sustainably without causing much damage to the environment while remaining viable in manufacturing its luxury brands. It is undoubtedly true that every organisation operates in a physical environment with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and are likely to be affected directly or indirectly by the operations of such organisations. It has been noted that there is need to establish goodwill with the values and norms of any given society the organisation would be operating in as a way of promoting mutual understanding. Thus, CSR entails doing good things to the society in which it would be operating in. It has also been noted that CSR strategy driven by leadership development is very effective in that it will stimulate positive employee performance while at the same time cultivating a sense of trust among the members of the community it will be operating in. It has been recommended that Pinault’s PPR should streamline the operations of the organisation in such a way that the products retain their value and luster while at the same time striving to minimise the impacts of environmental degradation through its activities. This must be done in such a way that does not compromise on quality since luxury brands are meant for prestige. The concept of corporate social responsibility has become topical during the current period but there is no one agreed definition about the whole concept (Knights and Willmott (eds.) 2007). CSR has been defined as a function that transcends but includes making profits, creating jobs and producing goods and services (Oketch 2005 as cited in Smith 2003). On the other hand, (Strydom 2004 p.11) concurs that â€Å"Social responsibility is the concept that maintains that businesses are part of the larger society in which they exist and are accountable to the society for their operations.† In other words, there is need for the

Are eating disorders directly connected to the media Term Paper

Are eating disorders directly connected to the media - Term Paper Example Role models represented in the media are often mostly appearance and too often, little substance. According to perceptions precipitated by the media girls are ideally blonde, tall and slim with unblemished complexions. The idea of the ‘Barbie complex,’ propagated primarily by the media, positions the ‘norm’ of society at practically impossible standards. This has fashioned a culture that is exceedingly focused on appearance to the great disadvantage of most persons within it. There is an obvious connection between many aspects of the ‘appearance culture’ and increased instances of negative self-image and peer acceptance leading to eating disorders among teenagers. Girls who enter school without an already chubby figure start to think of themselves as being overweight, a perception that becomes increasingly cemented into their minds as their peers also start making these same associations. A continuous cycle begins causing the child to gain addit ional weight as a consequence of the emotional distress they feel because they are physically handicapped and can’t compete with other kids on the playground or sports field. Additionally, they don’t conform to the social ideals. ... einforce their child’s perception of themselves by unconsciously or consciously expecting them to be less active and less intelligent than their peers, again judging the child by their looks. The spotlight on beauty as a means of acquiring society’s approval is also emphasized by adults, mainly women, who think plastic surgery is a suitable means of getting it. Desiring to emotionally break away from the harassment of their childhood, many teenagers wish to have body altering surgery performed as well. In a study involving 2,000 girls, average age of 14, â€Å"four out of ten said they would consider plastic surgery to make themselves slimmer† regardless of their existing weight status (Gustafson, 2005). For those who either can’t afford or are repulsed by the thought of plastic surgery, the only choice they see available often emerges as a type of eating disorder, most frequently bulimia, a pattern of indulgent eating followed by forced vomiting, or anore xia, a sustained routine of deliberate starvation. Often thought to be based within issues of appearance and ‘not fitting the mold’, these unhealthy patterns become issues in and of themselves. A variety of factors play a role as to why a child may become overweight, but the perception they develop of themselves is rooted chiefly on how closely they and their peers consider they measure up to a social standard. The media plays the most active role in constructing this social standard and therefore the perception of self for many people. People need to only glance quickly into a mirror to understand how well or inadequately they correspond with the ideal personas they view on TV. This is an automatic and natural process. There are many arguments that indicate people do and always will focus on outward

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Macroeconomics Master Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Macroeconomics Master - Research Paper Example From the diagram the output level following a shift in AS curve will decline from Y1 to Y2, price levels will increase from P1 to P2. Therefore the statement is false. Monopolistic competition form of market has a number of characteristics that make it different from other forms of markets, in this market there are many buyers and sellers and the sellers have a degree of controlling prices, consumers have the perception that there are no price differences and that there are only a few barriers to entry and exit. Rational expectations refers to the situation whereby individuals in an economy have all the available information including the past history of an economy, therefore the expected inflation level when people have rational expectation is much higher. In ur case we expect money supply to increase, when there is an increase in money supply we also expect that inflation will rise, for this reason given that we have rational expectations individuals have all the information and we expect inflation to be much higher. For this reason therefore this will affect the level of output by the firms. The output will be affected due to the changes that consumers expect in the market when the level of money supply changes and also the firms will adjust their production level due to the cost incurred due to changes in the level of money supply. The ... form of market has a number of characteristics that make it different from other forms of markets, in this market there are many buyers and sellers and the sellers have a degree of controlling prices, consumers have the perception that there are no price differences and that there are only a few barriers to entry and exit. When we have monopolistic competitive firms in an economy that face menu costs, menu cost refers to the costs that a firm faces when prices changes in the economy. Rational expectations refers to the situation whereby individuals in an economy have all the available information including the past history of an economy, therefore the expected inflation level when people have rational expectation is much higher. In ur case we expect money supply to increase, when there is an increase in money supply we also expect that inflation will rise, for this reason given that we have rational expectations individuals have all the information and we expect inflation to be much higher. For this reason therefore this will affect the level of output by the firms. The output will be affected due to the changes that consumers expect in the market when the level of money supply changes and also the firms will adjust their production level due to the cost incurred due to changes in the level of money supply. c. TRUE The rational expectation Phillips curve implies that the individuals in the economy have al the information regarding all those factors that affect inflation levels in the economy, in this form of expectations the cost of a lower rate of unemployment is a higher rate of inflation, under rational expectations the trade off between unemployment and inflation is much worse than fixed and adaptive expectations. For example if we start with an expected inflation

Caribean Ensemble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Caribean Ensemble - Essay Example Choosing only one student performance within the group, it is possible to show bright interactions between this popular/classical theme and the history of music, cultural backgrounds, instrumental history, where all factors help to get a deeper understanding of --- at first sight --- famous and well-known composition. These interactions will find out the deeper layer of these compositions' reasoning, definitely. Additionally, except the aforesaid ones, there also were such as: 'Take 5: Dave Brubeck;' 'Tomorrow: Annie (The Musical);' 'Oye Como Va: Tito Puente;' 'Footsteps: Machel Montano;' 'Rolling the Deep: Adele and Paul Epworth;' 'I'll be There: Berry Gordy, Bob West, Hal Davis, and Willie Hutch;' 'Under the Sea: The Little Mermaid;' 'Oh, What a Night: The Four Seasons;' 'Hungarian Dance: Johannes Brahms;' 'No One: Alicia Keys;' 'Habanera from 'Carmen:' George Bizet;' 'One Note Samba: Antonio Carlos Jobim.' As we could see, the program of the World Festival, 2013, was so ambitious that every single should be regarded as a 'special event' in it. G1/4. I Shot the Sheriff: Bob Marley 'I Shot the Sheriff: Bob Marley' belonged to the first group of the Carribean Ensemble at York University. ... Having had many subgenres --- early reggae, roots reggae, dub, etcetera, --- this genre exploited drums (for example, snare drum and tom-tom drum), bass, guitars, keyboards, horns, and vocals. (We will evaluate all these items within Marley and The Wailers' song and its student interpretation.) From the perspective of music theory, reggae had 'lower tempo' than ska and rocksteady. (Bradley, 2000, p. 41) Accordingly, it could be characterized by the 'offbeat rhythms', (Barrow, 2004, p. 21) and by a prominent fact that reggae was played in '4/4 time.' (Manuel, 2006, 11) Harmonically, it used 'simple chord progressions;' (Barrow, 2004, p. 23) furthermore, its 'rhythmic pattern accents the second and fourth beats in each bar,' with the drumer's 'emphasis on beat three.' (Manuel, 2006, p. 12) First of all, 'I shot the Sheriff' was a social-oriended song about sheriff's (not deputy's) murder, which was made from the narrator's face. In the composition it could be heard synthesizer, The Wai lers' horus, bass, drums, guitar, and leading vocal. It used offbeat rhythms, 4/4, lower tempo, and simple chord progressions; second and fourth beats have been emphasized in each bar, with the drumer's accent on beat three. These means of musical expression, along with the offset and syncopated rhythm-section, producted relaxive, but ideologically very intensive, reggae hit. Moreover, aforesaid suggestions on reggae music and particularly on current musical form should be applied to the student performance. Therefore, it could be stated that the very motif was maintained successfully, overall tempo was lower, than in ska and rocksteady; there was constant reggae offbeat, 4/4. From the other point, students were not always in the right time-space presence of the current

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Are eating disorders directly connected to the media Term Paper

Are eating disorders directly connected to the media - Term Paper Example Role models represented in the media are often mostly appearance and too often, little substance. According to perceptions precipitated by the media girls are ideally blonde, tall and slim with unblemished complexions. The idea of the ‘Barbie complex,’ propagated primarily by the media, positions the ‘norm’ of society at practically impossible standards. This has fashioned a culture that is exceedingly focused on appearance to the great disadvantage of most persons within it. There is an obvious connection between many aspects of the ‘appearance culture’ and increased instances of negative self-image and peer acceptance leading to eating disorders among teenagers. Girls who enter school without an already chubby figure start to think of themselves as being overweight, a perception that becomes increasingly cemented into their minds as their peers also start making these same associations. A continuous cycle begins causing the child to gain addit ional weight as a consequence of the emotional distress they feel because they are physically handicapped and can’t compete with other kids on the playground or sports field. Additionally, they don’t conform to the social ideals. ... einforce their child’s perception of themselves by unconsciously or consciously expecting them to be less active and less intelligent than their peers, again judging the child by their looks. The spotlight on beauty as a means of acquiring society’s approval is also emphasized by adults, mainly women, who think plastic surgery is a suitable means of getting it. Desiring to emotionally break away from the harassment of their childhood, many teenagers wish to have body altering surgery performed as well. In a study involving 2,000 girls, average age of 14, â€Å"four out of ten said they would consider plastic surgery to make themselves slimmer† regardless of their existing weight status (Gustafson, 2005). For those who either can’t afford or are repulsed by the thought of plastic surgery, the only choice they see available often emerges as a type of eating disorder, most frequently bulimia, a pattern of indulgent eating followed by forced vomiting, or anore xia, a sustained routine of deliberate starvation. Often thought to be based within issues of appearance and ‘not fitting the mold’, these unhealthy patterns become issues in and of themselves. A variety of factors play a role as to why a child may become overweight, but the perception they develop of themselves is rooted chiefly on how closely they and their peers consider they measure up to a social standard. The media plays the most active role in constructing this social standard and therefore the perception of self for many people. People need to only glance quickly into a mirror to understand how well or inadequately they correspond with the ideal personas they view on TV. This is an automatic and natural process. There are many arguments that indicate people do and always will focus on outward

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Caribean Ensemble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Caribean Ensemble - Essay Example Choosing only one student performance within the group, it is possible to show bright interactions between this popular/classical theme and the history of music, cultural backgrounds, instrumental history, where all factors help to get a deeper understanding of --- at first sight --- famous and well-known composition. These interactions will find out the deeper layer of these compositions' reasoning, definitely. Additionally, except the aforesaid ones, there also were such as: 'Take 5: Dave Brubeck;' 'Tomorrow: Annie (The Musical);' 'Oye Como Va: Tito Puente;' 'Footsteps: Machel Montano;' 'Rolling the Deep: Adele and Paul Epworth;' 'I'll be There: Berry Gordy, Bob West, Hal Davis, and Willie Hutch;' 'Under the Sea: The Little Mermaid;' 'Oh, What a Night: The Four Seasons;' 'Hungarian Dance: Johannes Brahms;' 'No One: Alicia Keys;' 'Habanera from 'Carmen:' George Bizet;' 'One Note Samba: Antonio Carlos Jobim.' As we could see, the program of the World Festival, 2013, was so ambitious that every single should be regarded as a 'special event' in it. G1/4. I Shot the Sheriff: Bob Marley 'I Shot the Sheriff: Bob Marley' belonged to the first group of the Carribean Ensemble at York University. ... Having had many subgenres --- early reggae, roots reggae, dub, etcetera, --- this genre exploited drums (for example, snare drum and tom-tom drum), bass, guitars, keyboards, horns, and vocals. (We will evaluate all these items within Marley and The Wailers' song and its student interpretation.) From the perspective of music theory, reggae had 'lower tempo' than ska and rocksteady. (Bradley, 2000, p. 41) Accordingly, it could be characterized by the 'offbeat rhythms', (Barrow, 2004, p. 21) and by a prominent fact that reggae was played in '4/4 time.' (Manuel, 2006, 11) Harmonically, it used 'simple chord progressions;' (Barrow, 2004, p. 23) furthermore, its 'rhythmic pattern accents the second and fourth beats in each bar,' with the drumer's 'emphasis on beat three.' (Manuel, 2006, p. 12) First of all, 'I shot the Sheriff' was a social-oriended song about sheriff's (not deputy's) murder, which was made from the narrator's face. In the composition it could be heard synthesizer, The Wai lers' horus, bass, drums, guitar, and leading vocal. It used offbeat rhythms, 4/4, lower tempo, and simple chord progressions; second and fourth beats have been emphasized in each bar, with the drumer's accent on beat three. These means of musical expression, along with the offset and syncopated rhythm-section, producted relaxive, but ideologically very intensive, reggae hit. Moreover, aforesaid suggestions on reggae music and particularly on current musical form should be applied to the student performance. Therefore, it could be stated that the very motif was maintained successfully, overall tempo was lower, than in ska and rocksteady; there was constant reggae offbeat, 4/4. From the other point, students were not always in the right time-space presence of the current

The History of Soft Drinks Essay Example for Free

The History of Soft Drinks Essay Interesting Information on Origin Background Of Soft Drinks Talking about the history of soft drinks, it can be traced back to the time when mineral water was found in natural springs. As per the general belief during that time, natural spring was considered healthy for life. In fact, people believed that just by bathing in the springs, one could be cured of many diseases. The reasoning also instigated them to drink the water. The earliest form of soft drinks was sherbets, which was developed by Arabic chemists and served in the medieval Near East. These were basically juice or fruit punch, as we call it today, soft drinks made from crushing fruits, herbs and flowers. In the mid 13th century, a drink named Dandelion Burdock made a rage in England. It was prepared by fermenting dandelion and burdock roots and then naturally carbonating them. Though the drink is still available today, the flavor has changed. It was in the 17th century that the first marketed non-carbonated drink appeared in the West. The juice mainly consisted of water, lemon juice and honey as its major ingredients. In the year 1676, the Compagnie des Limonadiers of Paris was granted a monopoly for the sale of lemonade soft drinks. Local dealers would carry tanks of lemonade drink and sell it to thirsty Parisians in dispensable cups. It was only in the next century that the actual carbonated mineral water was manufactured, thanks to Joseph Priestley and his discovery. Priestley discovered a method of infusing water with carbon dioxide, to make carbonated water. He found out that the infused water had a pleasant taste and served as a refreshing drink. The water is still available today and is better known as soda water. With time, the concept of carbonated water caught up and other scientists started improvising the method. Torbern Bergman, a Swedish chemist, invented a generating apparatus that made carbonated water from chalk, by the use of sulfuric acid. The most advantageous feature about Bergmans apparatus was that it allowed production of mineral water in large amounts. By this time, another Swedish chemist, Jons Jacob Berzelius started adding flavors to the drink. The concept of artificial mineral water intensified in United States. It was in the year 1806 that Yale chemistry professor Benjamin Silliman sold soda waters in New Haven, Connecticut. Soon, people started the business of selling mineral water. John Matthews of New York City and John Lippincott of Philadelphia began manufacturing soda fountains. Artificial mineral water was considered healthy for life. With time, the water was further urbanized, as flavors started to play a major role. Herbs, such as birch bark (see birch beer), dandelion, sarsaparilla, fruit extracts and other substances were added to the mineral water to improve the taste. Since the U. S. glass industry was facing problems, bottled drinks did not play a major role. Instead, soft drinks were dispensed and consumed at a soda fountain, usually in a drugstore or ice cream parlor. In 1885-86, Charles Aderton invented ‘Dr Pepper’ flavored beverage in Waco, Texas, while Dr. John S. Pemberton formulated ‘Coca-Cola’ in Atlanta, Georgia. Four years later, Caleb Bradham had invented the ‘Pepsi-Cola’. The last year of 19th century saw first patent issued for a glass blowing machine, used to produce glass bottles. However, it was only in the 20th century that bottled soda increased exponentially. Year 1919 saw the formation of the American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages. Four years later, the first Hom Paks or soft drink cartons were created. The later half of the century saw the emergence of canned soft drinks, which formed an important share of the market. Facing a lot of tiffs and squabbles, be it economic downturns or health movements, soft drinks manage to be one of the most profound beverages available in the food and beverage industry, by constantly adapting themselves to the changing taste of consumers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Design Stage in Construction

Design Stage in Construction Here I will explain all the relevant stages and factors which need to be taken into account in the design stage of construction in relation to the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) plan of work. RIBA Plan of Work A Inception Client establishes basic requirements, cost ranges, timetables, etc. He appoints architect and principle consultants. Basic project organization is established. Firstly the client will establish the basic requirements, cost ranges, timetables, etc and an architect will be appointed and they will be consulted for his help and professional opinion. The architect will be required to carry out the following jobs. 01 Obtain information about the site from the Client 02 Visit the site and carry out an initial appraisal 03 Assist the Client in preparation of Clients requirements 04 Advise the Client on methods of procuring construction 05 Advise on the need for specialist contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers to design and execute parts of the Works. 06 Prepare proposals and make application for outline planning approval. The architect will need at least one meeting client and will aim to establish the main parts and general outline of his requirements. It is important for the architect to plan his work so that it matches the fees he is receiving. These fees are charged at a percentage of the overall cost of the project depending on the job type. At this stage the main financial concern is limitations. This is where money must not be overspent and prices for materials must stay acceptable. It is important that acceptable methods of communication are discussed during the early stages of the job. B Feasibility The following processes will be carried out at this stage. 01 Carry out such studies as may be necessary to determine the feasibility of Clients requirements 02 Review the Clients alternative design and construction approaches and the cost implications 03 Advise on the need to obtain planning permission, approvals under Building Acts and or other regulations or other statutory requirements. 04 Develop the Clients requirements. 05 Advise on environmental impact and prepare a report In this stage the architect will work out whether it is technically possible to construct the motel on our given site. In order to do this the architect will have to obtain information on costs, detailed information on the site and information on the clients requirements provided at the inception stage. The local authority will be asked to supply us with there standard briefing checklist that will be used to record information. The highway authority will be consulted to carry out checks to determine that there are no problems with access relating to the site. These are all discussed in meetings. Drawings and models will be produced to help determine feasibility. These will be purely visual aids only and will not consist of construction information or details. After the results of the investigations are gathered, the architect will report to the client and say whether or not it is a feasible proposition to meet the client requirements. Brief The brief is the means of communicating the clients requirements to the professionals who will be responsible for implementing the Clients instructions. The instructions may be to a lawyer, an architect, an interior designer, etc. Although there are many forms of brief, the brief for a construction project will be dealt with, in particular, in these notes, but the process and approach is applicable to any brief. The brief should be based on a systematic appraisal of the Clients requirements. The brief should not be based on preconceived ideas or assumptions. The brief may be developed through discussion and negotiation, which are used to clarify and define the Clients needs. The brief will form the terms of reference for the work to be undertaken by the Professional. As a set of instructions, the clearer and the more detailed the information supplied, the greater the probability that the service being provided will fulfil the Clients requirements. Thus it is important that a brief gives very detailed information describing precisely the requirements of the Client. The brief, as well as communicating factual information, it should also define the constraints and criteria within which the professional must work. Such constraints and criteria may be the budget, the time scale, etc. C Outline Proposals The brief is further developed in line with the general approach to layout, design, construction and services. A cost plan is established. The client is asked for his authoritative approval on how to proceed. 0.1 Analyze the Clients requirements; prepare outline proposals. 0.2 Provide information to discuss proposals with and incorporate input of other consultants 0.3 Provide information to other consultants for the preparation of an approximation of construction costs 0.3 A Provide an approximation of construction costs 04 Submit outline proposals and approximation of construction cost for the Clients approval 05 Propose a procedure for cost planning and control 06 Provide information to others for cost planning and control throughout the project 06 A Operate the procedure for cost planning and control throughout the project 07 Prepare and keep updated a Clients running expenditure plan for the project 08 Carry out negotiations with tenants or others identified by the Client Here the architect will relate the clients requirements to the information given in stage B. expert advice from structural and building engineers will be sort. The relevant parties will then discuss the various different options given to us This will help us to determine what type of construction would be best for the site on plot j. now the outline scheme drawings can be prepared. Cost limits of the project will be taken into account by the quantity surveyor, where the architect will help him. Within the cost limits the quantity surveyor and architect will discuss the building standard, which can be provided with these limits. Indication as to when the building work will start on site and when it is to finish, an outline pre-contract programme will be prepared. D Scheme Design The brief is completed and architectural, engineering and services designs are integrated. The cost plan, overall programme and outline specification are developed and planning and other approvals applied for. A report is submitted to the client for his approval. 01 Develop scheme design from approved outline proposals 02 Provide the information to discuss proposals with and incorporate input of other consultant into scheme design 03 Provide information to other consultants for their preparation of cost estimate 03 A Prepare cost estimate 04 Prepare preliminary timetable for construction 05 Consult with planning authorities 06 Consult with Building Control Authorities 07 Consult with Fire Authorities 08 Consult with environmental authorities 09 Consult with licensing authorities 10 Consult with statutory undertakers 11 Prepare application for full planning approval 12 Submit scheme design showing spatial arrangements, materials and appearance together with cost estimate for the Clients approval 13 Consult with tenants and others identified 14 Conduct exceptional negotiations with planning authorities 15 Submit an application for full planning approval 16 Prepare multiple applications for full planning approval 17 Submit multiple planning applications 18 Make revisions to scheme design to deal with requirements of planning authorities 19 Revise planning application 20 Resubmit planning application 21 Carry out special construction research for the project including design of prototypes. Mock ups or models. 22 Monitor testing of prototypes, mock-ups or models. Now the Design Team will prepare a scheme to show parts of the building as to where they go and what they look like. It will also give a brief description of the materials being used. To do this the architect will have to complete his studies to get the ‘user requirements. Specialist firms and the design team will decide materials, finishes and services etc. We will now sort full planning permission and building regulations approval and all effected parties, which will be involved in the site such as highways and drainage, will be notified of our intentions by the local authority. The architect will now require a cost plan, this will be drafted up with the aid of the quantity surveyor. This will consist of an approximate cost of the project and a separate cost for building 3 and 4. this will then be submitted to the client for his approval. The client will be notified that the scheme cannot change once he has given his approval, and if he does so then this will result in the payment of additional fees. E Detailed Design The team designs, co-ordinates and specifies all parts and components, completes cost checks and obtains clients approval of significant details and costs. Specialist tenders may be sought. 01 Develop the detailed design from the approved scheme design 02 Provide information to discuss proposals with and incorporate input of other consultants into detailed design 03 Provide information to other consultants for their revision of cost estimate 03 A Revise cost estimate 04 Prepare Building Notice under building Act and/or Regulations 05 Agree form of building contract and explain the Clients obligations thereunder 06 Obtain Clients approval of the type of construction, quality of materials and standard of workmanship 07 Apply for approvals under Building Acts and /or Regulations and other statutory requirements 08 Negotiate if necessary over Building Acts and/or regulations and other statutory requirements 09 Conduct exceptional negotiations for approval by statutory authorities 10 Negotiate waivers or relaxations under Building Acts and/or regulations and other statutory requirements. In this stage of the process the final drawing will be completed and the specification of the building will be completed. The specification will be done by the architectural technologist. The plan of work will be put together. The bill of quantities will be put together by the quantity surveyor from the specification. Information will be provided for the revision of cost estimation also the authorities will be consulted on developed design proposals. The client will approve to the type of construction, the quality of the materials, the standard of workmanship and revised cost estimation. The client will be advised on the consequences of any subsequent changes on cost and programming. F Production Information The team prepares working drawings, schedules and specifications and agrees with the client how the work is to be carried out. Specialist tenders may be sought. 01 Prepare production drawings 02 Prepare specifications 03 Provide information to discuss proposals with and incorporate input of other consultants into production information 04 Co-ordinate production information 05 Prepare other production information 06 Submit plans for proposed building works for approval of landlords, funders, freeholders, tenants or others as requested by the Client. The Architectural Technologist will put together a specification so a tender document can be produced. The production information will be prepared for tender purposes; also schedules will be prepared for rates and quantities. The architectural technologist must prepare and submit under building acts and regulation for the statutory requirements. Building notice must be prepared and given however this is not so in Scotland. Roles of the Design Team (Task 1B) Everyone on the design team has specific roles that need to be carried out with care. If a role is not carried out to a specific degree of quality then the offender may be liable for any accidents or damages as this is classed as negligence. The client; These are the clients duties however the client may decide to appoint a clients agent. Then the clients agent would carry these tasks out however it is still the ‘client responsibility to appoint a ‘competent agent to do the job. †¢ Appoint a planning supervisor; †¢ Provide information on health and safety to the planning supervisor; †¢ Appoint a principal contractor; †¢ Ensure those you appoint are competent and adequately resourced to carry out their health and safety responsibilities; †¢ Ensure that a suitable health and safety plan has been prepared by the principal contractor before construction work starts; and †¢ Ensure the health and safety file given to you at the end of the project is kept available for use. If you arrange for someone to prepare a design or for a contractor to carry out construction work on the project, you also have duties to ensure they are competent and are adequately resourced to carry out their health and safety responsibilities. The Architect; The architect is responsible for defining and maintaining the structure of the solution, and ensuring that it will meet the requirements. An architect must also help the team to work together in an agile fashion, to jointly own the solution, and to interface well with other parts of the organization. There are five main parts to this: Understanding the requirements identifying the stakeholders, helping to analyze the requirements and extracting those of architectural significance Formulating the design creating a solution structure which will meet the various requirements, balancing the goals and constraints on the solution, Communicating the architecture making sure that everyone understands the architecture. Different people have different viewpoints, so the architect has to present various views of the system appropriate to different audiences, Supporting the developers making sure that the developers are able to realize the architecture, by a combination of mentoring and direct involvement, Verifying the implementation ensuring the delivered system is consistent with the agreed architecture, and will meet the requirements. The Architectural Technologist; Architectural technologists work in building design and construction management teams, working especially closely with architects. They form the link between the architects concept and the completed construction, bridging the gap between the idea of an attractive functional building and the reality of that building performing successfully. They ensure that the right materials are used and that the building meets building regulations and other legal requirements. They also monitor quality assurance, cost and the meeting of deadlines throughout the lifetime of a construction project. Fully qualified members of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) can take total responsibility for the management of a project. The balance of different activities varies according to the kind of projects and the size of the organisation. However, typical work activities usually include: †¢ Meeting with clients and other involved professionals at an early stage to agree the project brief; †¢ Understanding how the design aspects of a construction project influence and relate to performance and functional issues, so that practical questions can be addressed at an early stage; †¢ Evaluating environmental, legal and regulatory issues and advising on these; †¢ Contributing to planning applications and other regulatory application procedures; †¢ Assessing what surveys (e.g. land surveys) are required before work can commence and ensuring such surveys is undertaken and their results fed into the project; †¢ Developing project briefs and working on these as the project progresses; †¢ Preparing and presenting design proposals using computer-aided design (CAD) and traditional drawing methods; †¢ Leading the detailed design process and co-ordinating design information; †¢ Advising clients on procuring the best and most appropriate contracts for the work they are undertaking; †¢ Liaising with appropriate authorities (e.g. planning enquiries and building inspectors) when producing documentation for statutory approval; †¢ Producing, analysing and advising on detailed specifications for suitable materials or processes to be used in construction; †¢ Carrying out design-stage risk assessments; †¢ Administering contracts and project certifications; †¢ Obtaining feedback on work in progress and finished results from clients; †¢ Appraising the performance of buildings which are in use and producing maintenance management information; †¢ Evaluating and advising on refurbishment, re-use, recycling and deconstruction; †¢ Managing the work of trainee technologists; †¢ Contributing to the overall running of business. Landscape Architect; Landscape architects/designers are essentially designers of outdoor spaces, of any land open to the sky, including land lying around and between buildings. They work to ensure that any changes made to the natural environment are appropriate and sensitive, as well as innovative and aesthetically pleasing. Projects can be both urban and rural and range from designing the layout of parks, gardens and housing estates to improving land affected by mineral extraction or motorway construction. The work involves collaborating closely with landscape contractors, as well as other professionals, especially architects, and those working in surveying and engineering functions. Structural Engineer; A structural engineer designs structures that will withstand the pressures they have to endure. These may be buildings, aerials, bridges, oil rigs, aircraft; anything from a playground climbing frames to the tallest building. They develop initial designs, using mathematics to calculate the stress that could arise at each point in the structure, and simulate and model possible situations, such as high winds and earth movements. When construction has commenced, they are often involved in inspecting the work and advising contractors. These engineers often work in partnership with architects. They also examine buildings, bridges and other structures to discover whether or not they are structurally sound. Services Engineer; A building services engineer is responsible for ensuring the cost-effective and environmentally sound design and maintenance of energy-using elements in buildings. They have an important role in developing and maintaining buildings, and their components, to make the most effective use of natural resources and protect public safety. This includes all equipment and materials involved with heating, lighting, ventilation, air-conditioning, electrical distribution, water supply, fire protection, safety systems, lifts and escalators, and even acoustics. Whilst the role increasingly demands a multidisciplinary approach, building services engineers tend to specialise in one of the following areas: Electrical engineering; Mechanical engineering; Public health. Stages of Project Planning Process (Task 1C) Planning Team The project team can be very important and it is essential to show that the team have the relevant experience, skills or training. It is often necessary to employ people who have been associated with similar projects previously. The experts may be expensive or may have limited availability, in which case the expert can be appointed as an advisor and may not have a great input. It is important not to mislead the Client by indicating a greater input than there will be in reality. G Tender Documentation This is the first part of the planning stage. Here, the contract documents have been signed and any matters that have not been signed will be discussed between the architect, the client and the contractor. Both the client and the architect have rights and responsibilities where they must understand their own roles in the project. The client will be the employer and the architect will be the employers agent. Really this meeting will sort out the roles and responsibilities of everyone and a checklist may be used so that nothing is forgotten. H Tender Action Main contract tenders are obtained by negotiation or competitive tendering procedures. The client is asked to agree that suitable tenders are accepted. 01 Advise on and obtain the Clients approval to list of tenderers for the building contract 02 Invite tenders 03 Appraise and report on tenders with other consultants 03 A Appraise and report on tenders 04 Assist other consultants in negotiating with tenderer 04 A Negotiate with a tenderer 05 Assist other consultants in negotiating a price with a contractor 05 A Negotiate a price with a contractor 06 Select a contractor by other means 07 Revise production information to adjust tender sum 08 Arrange for other contracts to be let prior to the main building contract The contractor will be given a list of firms that the architect is considering using including the ones named at the tender stage. The architect must ensure that the contractor has no objections with any of the firms involved. The subcontractors and suppliers will receive letters telling them that they have been successful or unsuccessful. The contractor will then be informed to accept the sub-contractors quotation. When the architect has the meeting with the contractor he must make sure the agreement has been completed the clauses have been deleted from the conditions as appropriate. The signing of the contract includes many operations such as checking the contractors insurance and sending the contractor a copy of the contract. J Project Planning Contract documents are processed. The contractor receives information needed to plan the work. The site inspector is briefed and all roles are defined. The site is made available for work to start. 01 Advise Client on the appointment of the contractor and on the responsibilities of the parties and the Architect under the Building Contract 02 Prepare the building contract and arrange for it to be signed 03 Provide production information as required by the building contract 04 Provide services in connection with demolition 05 Arrange for other contractors to be let subsequent to the commencement of the building contract Production information must be ready for the project meeting. This is the meeting that takes place before any work starts on site. The project information will be made up of two copies of the drawings, schedules and specifications. Copies of statutory approvals and the architect and contractor programme will be needed. K Operations on Site Contract is administered and contractual obligations fulfilled with progress and quality control monitored. Financial control, with regular reports to the client, is maintained. 01 Administer the terms of the building contract 02 Conduct meetings with the contractor to review progress 03 Provide information to other consultants for the preparation of financial reports of the Client 03 A Prepare financial reports for the Client 04 Generally inspect materials delivered to site 05 As appropriate instruct the taking of samples, carrying out of tests of materials, components, techniques and workmanship and examine the conduct and results of such tests whether on or off site 06 As appropriate instruct the opening up of completed works to determine that it is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents 07 As appropriate visit the sites of the extraction and fabrication and assembly of materials and components to inspect such materials and workmanship before delivery to site. 08 At intervals appropriate to the stage of construction visit the Works to inspect the progress and quality of the Works and to determine that they are being executed generally in accordance with the Contract Documents 09 Direct and control the activities of site staff 10 Administer the terms of other contracts 11 Monitor the progress of the Works against the contractors programme and report to the Client 12 Prepare valuations of the work carried out and completed During the early stages of project planning, it is important to identify the resources and schedule for development of the Maintenance Operations Plan. The roles and responsibilities of the various resources must be determined and an overall approach developed. Most project processes will have maintenance and operations equivalents, including change management, governance processes, testing and communications. Employers need to review Project planning elements to determine those needed on an ongoing basis and include them in the Maintenance Operations Plan. A risk assessment will have to be carried out for each operation that will occur on site. This determines what PPE the person will have to wear and how big the risk is of carrying out this operation. A check list will have to be made so that all equipment can be checked over once and a while. For example, the oil level in generators must be checked weekly so that they are able to run smoothly on site. A checklist can be ticked off once the generator has been checked and is in good working order. L Completion Project is handed over for occupation. Defects are corrected, claims are resolved and final account is agreed. Final Certificate is issued. 01 Provide drawings showing the building and main lines of drainage 02 Arrange the drawings of building services installations to be provided 03 Generally give advice on maintenance 04 Prepare drawings for convincing purposes 05 Compile maintenance and operational manuals 06 Incorporate information prepared by others in the maintenance manuals 07 Arrange maintenance contracts This is the stage where the building is handed over to the client so that it can be occupied, rented etc. All remediation is done to any thing thats is wrong within the project. The final account should be signed by the client to say that he is happy and that there is nothing else to be done. The architect also needs to sign it. It also means that everything has been done according to the contract. M Feedback The performance of the building and the design and construction teams are analysed and recorded for future reference. This stage also mentions that after the building has been finished, the architect and the contractor are responsible for any failures that may occur to the building in the near future. However, it is obvious that if the failure occurs in the far future then this not their responsibility. At the end of this stage there are many questions asked. These include things such as, Did the contractor work well? Does the building function properly? Did the design process work smoothly? What does the client think of the building? Factors that effect planning decisions (Task 1C) There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when making planning decisions, all projects produce different factors to be considered such as the following; Budget Availability of materials Availability of workers (Hiring sub contactors) Weather The Planning (conservation areas listed building areas) act 1990 The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Restrictions on the land/local area Usage of development Surrounding infrastructure Existing Access Who will be using the facility e.g. old people or disabled Demands of the client Building regulations How to overcome these factors 1) Analysis of the Problem Breakdown the problem into simple components which may be easily managed. Create a flowchart in the form of a decision tree. Each stage of a project and all possible options are shown so as to produce a series of outcomes. 2) Assessment of Outcomes. This is based on utility (the relative desirability) which is assessed for each possible outcome. The criteria are listed and their relative importance is evaluated. Each outcome is assessed against each criteria and then is evaluated by summing its utility score against each criteria weighted by the relative importance of each criteria. 3) Assessment of Probabilities. The alternative outcomes of each decision stage are allocated probability of the likelihood of their occurrence. These are subjective assessments, but experience is used to lend some objectivity. 4) Determining Optimum Path The optimum path through the decision tree is determined by working backwards from the final outcome and calculating the expected (weighted average) utility of each event node. Where several activities enter an activity event node, the path with the highest utility is elected and the others are eliminated. The best path through the decision tree is found. 5) Sensitivity Analysis Important elements of the decision tree should be assessed by applying a range of values to determine the effect. Decisions to be made for this project (Plot J) Budget The budget for the project and the program for implementation will be very difficult to ascertain at this early stage, but if some indication can be given and an approximate cash flow, it could be very useful to the Client and would indicate our understanding of the project. In order to ensure my project comes in on budget I will be employing a skilled and experienced quantity surveyor. This is because there is a big difference between estimated costs and true costs, which would be calculated to a degree of accuracy by the quantity surveyor. Budgets for the professional fees and programs for the professional services would also be useful. Green Field site As our site is situated on a â€Å"green field site† then there will be certain implications which may hamper the development. Once land has been converted to development, it is unlikely to ever be converted back to Greenfield use Destruction of the natural habitat of some animal and plant species Loss of agricultural land results in loss of production and loss of employment Reduction of or complete loss of amenity or recreation value Negative effect upon transport and energy use Loss of the gr

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tough Love in Mel Gibsons Hamlet and Branaghs Hamlet Essay -- Essays

Tough Love in Mel Gibson's Hamlet and Branagh's Hamlet      Ã‚   One of the most emotional and moving scenes in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet is in Act III, Scene I lines 90-155 in which the title character becomes somewhat abusive toward his once loved girlfriend Ophelia. It is interesting to examine the possible motives behind Hamlet's blatant harshness in this "Get the to a nunnery" scene toward the easily manipulated and mild mannered girl. While watching Kenneth Branagh and Mel Gibson's film adaptations of the play, the audience may recognize two possibilities of the many that may exist which may explain the Prince's contemptible behavior; Kenneth Branaugh seems to suggest that this display of animosity will help the troubled man convince his enemies that he is in fact demented, whereas the Mel Gibson work may infer that Hamlet's repressed anger toward his mother causes him to "vent" his frustrations upon Ophelia, the other female of importance in his life.    Though the reader realizes Hamlet's extreme anger and brooding throughout the entire play, he has no actual confrontation with another character until the aforementioned lines in Act III Scene I. One may notice the Prince's biting tone aimed at Claudius, Polonius or even Gertrude, but until his "Get the to a nunnery!" speech, no outbursts of pure rage in the presence of others can be found. This harshness in relation to Ophelia may be one of Hamlet's first moments of "action." The Prince seems reluctant to act upon any of his emotions toward anyone, though he often does give off an aura of discontentment and sorrow over his father's death. However, in these specific lines the audience sees Hamlet take an active stance in purging this young lady's once p... ...he primary cause of the violent reaction to Ophelia.    Living in an environment of deception and hostility, the reader can easily identify with Hamlet's anger. Most all compassionate audiences will be sympathetic to his plight. However, the origins of Hamlet's vehement actions toward his once beloved Ophelia can be debated from several different points of view. Whatever his reasoning may be, it is probably correct to assume that he regrets deeply every harsh world spoken toward Ophelia. He only realizes again what a beautiful and kind person she was- after her death.    Works Cited Hamlet. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Perf. Mel Gibson and Glenn Close. Videocassette. Warner Home Video, 1990. William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Perf. Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, and Kate Winslet. Videocassette. Castle Rock Entertainment, 1996. Â