Tuesday, December 31, 2019

William Shakespeare s King Lear - 1852 Words

During the course of the semester, the class was assigned a large sum of works to read. These works varied between different time periods and writer style. Each book, had multiple themes to them, some had a little in common. The books, â€Å"King Lear† by William Shakespeare, â€Å"Oedipus The King† and â€Å"Antigone† both by Sophocles, have many themes throughout the books. While some themes are more prominent than others, it’s not difficult to find the other themes that linger within the texts. In â€Å"King Lear† the king, wants to divide his kingdom up between his three daughters; Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia Before dividing the land, he asks his daughters to profess their love to him. Although it would be wise to split it evenly between the three,†¦show more content†¦This theme shows up when in act four scene one, Gloucester muses, â€Å"As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods†. This is a theme of justice because it is rea lized that humankind shouldn’t assume that the â€Å"natural† world works alongside with social or moral convenient notions of justice. Edgar, another character in the play, states that â€Å"the gods are just†, this lets us believe that individuals should and do get what they deserve. Although, by the end of the play, readers are left with an uncertainty. By the ending of the book, all the wicked die, taking the good to die with them, portrayed by the act of King Lear holding his youngest daughter’s, Cordelia, dead body. Although there is goodness throughout the play, there is also death, and this makes it difficult to tell which triumph ends. A second prominent theme is reconciliation. During the last act, darkness and unhappiness pervade in the play, leaving act five to be a tragic ending. Even though the darkness takes over in this act, it centers around the relationship between Lear and Cordelia. The self-sacrificing love that Cordelia has for Lear, without despising him for banishing her, she stays true to him from afar. She returns back to the kingdom with an army from a foreign country to help save Lear from his tormentors. By Lear recognizing the errors in his ways, by learning a cruel lesson, he eventually reunites with Cordelia and experiences her forgiving love. By Lear recognizing the error

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Rise Of The Roman Empire - 2506 Words

One of the greatest empires to have existed in ancient human history is undoubtedly the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire maintained very sophisticated governmental policies. Not only were they responsible for groundbreaking political systems, Rome was very technologically advanced as well. Rome would lay a foundation for civilizations to come with the innovative political and technological breakthroughs they experienced. Unfortunately for Rome, the higher the rise also meant the harder the fall. Rome would encounter many problems in its later years, everything from invasion to bankruptcy. These problems would cause Rome, after many years of expansion and prosperity, to deteriorate. Political instability and financial crisis would plague the empire from inside. Changes in religious values would bring into question the imperial rule Rome once operated on. New overland trade routes would open Rome to entirely new cultures and invaders from the outside. Even with those many weaknesses, no event was more disastrous for the Roman Empire than invasion from foreign peoples. While people of all regions would occupy Rome, no other group of people is more responsible for the fall of Rome then the Germanic people, called barbarians by the Romans. In 476 C.E. the Germanic General Odovacar would remove Romulus Augustulus from power as emperor of Rome, ending the once Great Roman Empire. Romulus Augustulas would be the last truly Roman person to ever maintain any form of rule in the WesternShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of The Roman Empire973 Words   |  4 Pagessee how empires grew and became successful. Many empires were so successful because of their leaders and their philosophies. Empires often had good runs and would be running successful until a stronger and more powerful empire would bring them down. One empire that was known as the most advanced both socially and politically in the western civilization was the Roman Empire. At about 285 CE the empire was so greatly advance d that the Roman central government could no longer rule the empire on its ownRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire2740 Words   |  11 Pagesone thing comes to mind, the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was one of the greatest empires of all time. The span of the Roman Empire grew from itself outward to the countries of England, Africa, Spain, and even Syria. The Roman Empire covered a vast area of land, with ambitions of continued growth. The Roman Empire rose to glory in 27 BC. The rise of the Roman Empire began with its military forces and its many emperor’s reign. The society and life of Romans were also affected by the empire’sRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire Essay1875 Words   |  8 PagesConstantine was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. He started his reign in 307 AD. During this time the Roman Empire was still composed mainly of pagans. Although the population of Christians was on the rise, in the beginning of the fourth century, Christians made up only 10 percent of the population in the Roman Empire. There were approximately five million Christians in the Roman Empire meaning that they were still the minority (Waldron). His conversion was an important turningRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire1494 Words   |  6 Pagescentral Europe and occupied by several Celtic tribes in pre-Roman times. The land was claimed by the Roman Empire once the Celtic tribe Noricum fell to the Empire and became a providence. Once the Roman Empire gained control of the area, it soon set up a Military camp on the eastern side of the providence calling it the Upper Pannonia providence which was the home for 50,000 people for nearly 400 years. After the fall of the Roman Empire; Charlemagne, King of the Franks, had control of the land atRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire2137 Words   |  9 Pagesas the Roman Empire was nearly compromised after the German Visigoths and their leader, Alaric, invaded it in 410 AD. This invasion of the newly Christian Empire that was supposed to be invincible shattered the confidence of the Romans and subsequently led them to question the power of their new single God. The Roman Empire has previously been a Pagan empire, but Constantine the Great converted the empire to Christianity less than a century before the Vi sigoths captured Rome. Many Romans were skepticalRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire1864 Words   |  8 PagesJulius Caesar , a Roman general and statesman he turned the Roman republic into a powerful Roman Empire. A coup ended his reign , and his powerful life , on the Ides Of March. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. In 60 BC, Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey formed a political alliance that was to dominate Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass power through populist tactics were opposed by the conservativeRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire1428 Words   |  6 PagesThe Roman Empire is widely regarded as one of, if not the most dominant government to ever exist. Early civilization in Europe was dominated by the Romans, and their constantly growing empire. With the help of Greek political ideas, the Romans adopted one very similar where supreme power is held by the people from their elected representatives. These representatives were a part of the Senate, where all political laws were made and enforced, very similar idea to the type of Senate that existsRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire1224 Words   |  5 Pagesinfluence to affect the Roman world. Constantine came to power in the Western provinces of the Roman Empire as an advocate of religious toleration. Constantine’s advocacy for religious toleration alongside his conversion marks a turning point of the Roman world and drives the spread Christianity. With Diocletian’s abdication in 305 A.D., Constantine’s troops acclaimed him as Caesar. The age of persecution began in 303 A.D. under Diocletian as an effort to rid the Roman Empire of Christians. It wasRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire863 Words   |  4 Pagesanyone who did not speak Greek. During the decline of the Roman Empire, many barbaric tribes took the opportunity to attack. The migration of barbarians closer to Rome put stress on an already stressed Roman government. The increased tension eventually lead to an outbreak of wars. In 410 Rome was sacked by the Visigoths—lead by Alaric—and was attacked again in 455 but the Vandals (â€Å"Dining With Attila the Hun, 448†). Attacks on the Roman Empire by the Huns did not start until the middle of the 5th centuryRead MoreThe Rise Of The Roman Empire1611 Words   |  7 PagesRome was an empire with extremely high aspirations and expectations from. Its founders chose to steal women from neigh boring villages, in order to grow its population. These aggressive and expansionary ideologies remained within the personalities of every Roman, living inside the great empire 755 years later. And yet despite its vast military presence and growing cities and towns, the Roman Empire and its capital still succumbed to a barbarian takeover. This was widely regarded as one of the greatest

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Intrapartum cervical lesions are frequent, but merely a minority of them is clinically important and conditions future gestations and/or bringings. We report one such instance in which cervical lacrimation occurred upon the initiation of labour, without cervical os distension, ensuing in vaginal bringing of the foetus and sever postpartum bleeding. Case: A 39 year-old G2P0 adult female, with a history of a voluntary break of gestation by cervical distension and curettement 13 old ages ago and no implicative symptom of attendant cervical stricture, was admitted for labour initiation at 41 hebdomads of gestation. We will write a custom essay sample on The Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Attesting a posteriorly oriented and closed neck, we gave vaginally 2.5 milligram of prostaglandin E2. In the absence of important cervical alterations, 50 microgram of misoprostol were vaginally applied the following twenty-four hours. The patient initiated contractions with neck shorting, but the cervical os remained closed. Two hours subsequently, a healthy male neonate was vaginally delivered and the placenta was removed spontaneously. Showing an intense postpartum hemorrhage, the patient was observed when a big posterior cervical tear was visualized while the original cervical os remained unopened. The haemostasis was achieved by lesion fix utilizing a uninterrupted sutura. Decision: The instance supports that the adult females with a history of cervical intercession should be carefully approached in the instance of labour initiation, even when the process is non associated with evident complications. In this scenario, relentless rigidness of the cervical os in malice of cervic al shorting may bespeak the hazard of cervical lacrimation. Introduction Cervical hurts represent important morbidities associated with vaginal bringings [ 1 ] , peculiarly in the instances of nulliparity, hasty labour, operative vaginal bringing and cervical surgical intercessions such as cervical cerclage during gestation [ 2 ] . Initiation of labour has besides been associated with an addition in the rate of cervical harm [ 3 ] . We report a instance of intrapartum cervical lacrimation without cervical os distension that occurred upon prostaglandin initiation of labour in a adult female with a history of voluntary break of gestation by cervical distension and uterine curettement. The cervical tear resulted in self-generated bringing of the foetus through the lesion and postpartum bleeding successfully treated by the lesion sutura. CASE PRESENTATION A 39 year-old Portuguese adult female, G2P0, with a singleton and uneventful gestation was admitted to our establishment at 41 hebdomads of gestation for labour initiation. Her past obstetric history revealed a voluntary break of gestation at 6 hebdomads, realized by cervical distension and curettement, without complications, 13 old ages ago. There was no implicative symptom of attendant cervical stricture since the patient?s catamenial rhythms were regular with normal catamenial hemorrhage after the process. Additionally, the current gestation was spontaneously conceived. Neither relevant medical conditions nor abdominopelvic surgical intercessions were reported. Cervical appraisal on admittance revealed a 15 millimeter long, posteriorly indicating neck of stiff consistence with a 5 millimeter broad external os and cephalic presentation at S-1. Due to unfavourable cervical features, 2.5 milligram of prostaglandin E2 ( PGE2 ) were vaginally given for cervical maturation. In the absence of important cervical alterations and detecting normal CTG records, 50 microgram of misoprostol were vaginally applied the following twenty-four hours. The patient initiated labour 4h subsequently, co-occuring with self-generated rupture of membranes, cervical shortening, while the external os remained 5 millimeter dilated. The patient received consecutive anaesthesia. Two hours subsequently, a healthy male neonate was vaginally delivered deliberation 3355 g, with Apgar score 10/10. After the self-generated placental remotion, an intense vaginal hemorrhage drew attending. The scrutiny demonstrated that original cervical os remained closed and a 4 centimeter deep , posterior cervical tear was observed ( from 9 to 4 o’clock, Figure 1 ) , without extension to the vaginal fornix. The lesion had provided a gate out to the foetus and gave the beginning to the bleeding. The intuition of a important lesion of the uterine principal was rejected by the designation of the tear boundary lines, no clinical marks of peritoneal annoyance and ultrasonographic verification of the absence of free fluid in the abdominopelvic pit. The cervical tear was repaired utilizing uninterrupted vicryl suturas. After the intercession, the drainage of uterine discharge through the natural os was verified. The patent received oxytocin perfusion ( 20U ) and 2g of cefazolin. The bleeding resulted in a decrease of the hemoglobin degree from 12.9 to 10.7 g/dL, therefore the patient was besides medicated with day-to-day Fe addendum p.o. Having an uneventful postoperative class, the patient was discharged on twenty-four hours 3 postpartum and referenced to the hospital?s units for puerperal alteration and household planning. Degree centigrades: UsersDusanDesktopDelivery through a Cervical TearDiapositivo1.JPG DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Clinically important lesions of the neck occur in 0.2 – 1.7 % of vaginal bringings ( R ) . Cervical cryings have been often reported with instrumental bringing, peculiarly when forceps was engaged. However, big cryings, such as the lesion that we witnessed, developed under the consequence of induced uterine contractions, miming a full distension and taking to fetus bringing beside an unopened cervical os, are ultimate rareness. A self-generated bringing through a cervical tear with an integral cervical os was antecedently reported in a patient with a history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia treated with a loop electrosurgical deletion process ( LEEP ) and upon the labour initiation with PGE2 [ 4 ] . Differently, in other reported instances, big cervical cryings coexisted with partly [ 5 ] or to the full dilated necks [ 6 ] . In our patient, prostaglandins were besides used for cervical readying as a standard method. Although no old cervical injury was documented, the history of cervical distension and curettement used for the expiration of predating gestation opens up possibility of subclinical cervical hurt. Despite the fact that a high per centum of patients with a history of cervical distension and curettement have a favourable result of future pregnancies/deliveries, the process is associated with an increased rate of postpartum bleedings [ 7 ] . We believe that old cervical hurt, although clinical ly soundless, should be considered, since the initiation drugs were applied in a accustomed and safe mode while no other obvious predisposing factors existed. Similarly to the instance of patient submitted to LEEP, presumptive cervical tissue change did non let distension of the external os due to fibrosis and indirectly weakened the nearby cervical section when exposed to prostaglandin-induced contractions. Alternatively, the intrinsic cervical os stiffness in our patient can be taken into history, doing the above tissue prone to rupture. Regardless of etiology, the realisation of a cesarian subdivision after the initial and unsuccessful tentative of labour could forestall this complication. Nevertheless, the diseased significance of ascertained cervical response, de facto, is non recognizable in the clinical pattern every bit easy as in the theory. In decision, the adult females with a history of cervical intercession necessitate a particular moderateness in the instance of labour initiation, even when the process is minimally invasive, like cervical distension, and non associated with evident complications. The instance shows that in such a parturient, cervical shorting with relentless rigidness of the cervical os should be peculiarly valorized and carefully approached since it may bespeak the imminency of cervical rupturing aside a closed os. At the visible radiation of comparatively high rates of both instrumental gestation break and subsequent labour initiation, the possibility of this rare event should non be overlooked due to the serious maternofetal effects that it can condition. Conflict of Interests: The writers declare no struggle of involvements. Consent: Patient has given her consent for the instance study to be published. How to cite The Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Why Parenting Is More Important That School free essay sample

Research also reveals something else: the parents, of all backgrounds, dont need to buy expensive educational toys or digital devices for their kids in order to give them an edge. Engaging in this reciprocal back-and- forth gives children a chance to try Out language for themselves, and also gives them a sense that their thoughts and opinion matter. All parents need to do is talk. My position on this issue presented by Annie Murphy Paul is one of agreement. I concur that talking to your children and engaging in their academic life can have a positive effect in their school performance.All the research that were mentioned in Palls article reinforced and supported the claim that students perform better or are more interested in their school work if their parents are involved and how interest in their school activities. As the article mentioned, background and digital devices are not a guarantee for good grades; neither are paying for an expensive private school or tutoring. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Parenting Is More Important That School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What it comes down to is interaction, talking. I believe this to be true. When a child sees their parents involvement in their academia they feel a sense of importance. In my line of work I come across children and parents who come from a variety of backgrounds. Sometimes see children and the amount of involvement that their parents play in their academic growth show through the amount of information that the child is able to retain. The multiracial children that Ive come across who have difficulty reading and writing have this problem because of their parents inability to speak English properly (Hispanic decent) or because of the limited amount of involvement in their childs education progression.As a child growing up my parents involvement with my academics were very limited. They didnt give me the impression that exerting great achievement in my school work was necessary so didnt feel the need to go to college immediately after high school. Looking back now that Im an adult I wish they had. I feel that if they pushed me harder or talked to me and encouraged me to pursue a college career after high school it wouldve saved me a whole lot of stress as an adult, now that Im trying to pursue my college degree. As a parent now, throw myself into my childrens academics and social life.I try to get involved as much as possible to show them that education is important. I want them to pursue college and to be successful. Know that my involvement is an encouragement to them and theyve told me countless times how grateful they are for my support. My daughter is always telling me how important my presence is at her school functions and my son ill remember when I miss a soccer game. I believe that just the knowledge that children have of a support group, namely their parents, in their corner gives them a sense of purpose.They dont want to disappoint their parents so they feel this pressure to please. After a while that sense of accomplishment becomes internalized to where they self-motivate themselves and want to do their best, want to get good grades, want to succeed and excel. I feel like its my job as a parent to motivate my children to be better than who they are, better than what/who am, and to work for the things that they want. In inclusion, I believe that the studies conducted by scholars and gathered by Annie Murphy Paul are true.Ive seen this first hand and I am a product of poor parental involvement. Can see how my involvement in my childrens lives brings positive reinforcement to their academic progression. Personally, believe that teacher involvement does play a role in a students progression but not as great an impact as the parent does on the child. The family is the central learning center for every individual and if a child sees how important their education is to their parent(s) they in turn want it for themselves to progress.